
Curves trend

The Househunter: Room by Room

There are now so many architect designed apartments at the newly redeveloped BBC Television Centre that it's a wonder there are any left undone for the rest of us to have a go at. Designers include Suzy Hoodless, Bella Freud, Laura Fulmine and now The Waldo Works. This, like the others, is on the market

Find Your New Season Style (my piece in Grazia)

Kate Watson-Smyth compiles a guide to the new season's trends for Grazia magazine 'find your new season style' #grazia #newseason #trends #interiortrends #madaboutthehouse
Things are beginning to take on that back to school feel and in honour of that I wrote a piece in last week's Grazia magazine looking at the key trends that will be coming into the stores in the next few weeks. I have reproduced the pages here with a few of my favourite pieces