
Objects of Design #306: Vintage Metal Trunk

vintage metal trunk from peastyle
vintage metal trunk from peastyle

Right then come on. Look lively. Oh for heaven’s sake have a berocca and a glass of water. It’s 2014 now, this is no time to be lounging about with your head in your hands. I’m well aware that you’re never drinking again, you don’t need to mention it.

Anyway, it’s January. It’s time for the annual Domestic Detox. There’s nothing like a good clear out to make you feel better so let’s make 2014 the year of the declutter. As Benjamin Franklin (one of the founding fathers of the US apparently – yes I had to Google it too) said: “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

By which he meant chuck out the rubbish or, at the very least, find somewhere to put it. If you can’t face throwing it all away at this stage, then stuff it in this rather fabulous vintage trunk and use it as a bedside or coffee table. It can be like interior decoration version of The Portrait of Dorian Grey (my aren’t we being literary today) full of junk and mess on the inside and sleekly modern and tidy on the outside.

The plan being, of course (keep up I know you’re tired) that some time when you’ve recovered, in about February, you’ll go through the contents of the trunk and arrange it neatly inside so that it becomes the perfect place to store photos, magazines, cuttings, DVDs or whatever else you fancy. Not just bits of string and empty envelopes, which is invariably what I find when I go through old drawers and boxes.

There you go. First day of the year. Domestic Detox. Done.

It’s from Peastyle by the way and costs £43



Kate Watson-Smyth

The author Kate Watson-Smyth

I’m a journalist who writes about interiors mainly for The Financial Times but I have also written regularly for The Independent and The Daily Mail. My house has been in Living Etc, HeartHome and featured in The Wall Street Journal & Corriere della Sera. I also run an interior styling consultancy Mad About Your House. Welcome to my Mad House.


  1. I love the vintage trunk! I’m luck to have my fathers ancient trunk from his travels as a child, perfect storage and full of tales of travel.

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