
pattern clashing

Monday Inspiration: Pushing Your Creative Boundaries

Half height black panelled wall and black cat print wallpaper catitude by divine savages. Charcoal velvet headboard grey painted cornice and ceiling
Right we're really going for it this week. We've had lots of pale neutrals and calming colours making sure you choose the shades that are really right for you but this week we're going to push some envelopes. Starting off with this new wallpaper... catitude wallpaper by divine savages Now, this is as much about

Monday Inspiration: Beautiful Rooms

image via morris&co
Well I'm feeling a bit better about things this week and I hope you are too and if you're not, well perhaps be reassured that it seems to be an emotional rollercoaster for all of us at the moment and you can be down for no apparent reason and bounce back up again for something