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Objects Of Design #94: Raskog Kitchen Trolley

  With a name like that it can only come from one place. Yes, it's that giant Swedish shop that is so well known for its fabulous prices and often great design. This trolley comes in this rather stunning shade of turquoise and would sit happily in either kitchen or bathroom depending on your needs.

Objects Of Design #73: LED Solar Tree Lights

  If you've ever wanted outdoor lighting but baulked at the price then here's the solution. This string of 60 environmentally friendly LED pea lights will come on automatically at dusk and last for eight hours (which is some party in the summer). Perfect for winding round trees or shrubs or the fencing round a

Mad About . . . Spring Cleaning (No Really)

Well all right, it's not the most exciting of jobs but there's nothing like a spot of sunshine to show up the dust everywhere. So not only will a spot of light dusting make the house feel better, it will get you in the mood for summer and, if you've got the right gear, then

Mad About . . . Clocks

I love clocks. Not in a desperate momenti mori woe is me time is passing kind of way, just as objects. I've probably got two in every room, apart from the digital ones on the cooker etc, yet I don't wear a watch. Go figure. Anyway, here are a few that I currently want. WINE