
Three of the best: Sofas

I wish I needed a new sofa. modern leather chesterfield from westelm Well that's not entirely true as I don't wish to be spending vast sums of money. I DO need a new hob and I'm not looking forward to spending the money on that at all as it will be expensive, and the one

The Househunter: Serpentine Summer Galleries

barkow liebinger serpentine galleries summer house
yona friedman serpentine galleries summer house This week, for something a little different before the August break, I'm going to show you four summer houses. All very different, all very fabulous, all can be yours for £95,000. Which might seem a tad pricey for a posh shed at the bottom of the garden, but, as

Pooky Table Lamp

green table lamp by pooky lighting
green table lamp by pooky lighting Are you paying enough attention to your table lamps? This might seem like a random question but there are

Ruark Radio

ruark radio
ruark radio R1 tabletop A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... well it was the 20th century at any rate, I was

Vintage Chairs with a Modern Twist

I do get fed up with having to be practical. I mean it's so boring isn't it? I mean I know we have to think carefully about longevity and what we're spending and how long it will last and all that but I do get bored with all those safe colour choices that people make.

The Househunter

This week we're starting off with a house that is all about the outside. Gorgeous gardens and an amazing extension. Sometimes it's very hard to

Moroccan Tile Mat

moroccan tile mats from Graham and Green
And now, as they say, for something completely different. But it's rather a good idea and one you might find useful. And pretty, so we're

Vintage Bird Cage Light

vintage bird cage night light I just love this light. It's clever, it's funny and I love the way it's just the birds that light up. They key point being that it looks just as good on as off, which is a point that is often overlooked. It's powered by batteries so you can hang

The Househunter

We've come over all architectural this week. Usually I concentrate more on the interiors as that is tends to be what sells a house (well

10 Best Floor Lamps

oliver floor lamp from graham & green
Well that month flew past didn't it and so we find it's time for the second of my 10 Best series. Last month I showed