
Postcard from The Podcast

And we're back! The Great Indoors Podcast returns for the new year. On today’s show we share our dreams and aspirations for the year ahead. Clue: Sophie is planning world domination while I would simply like to get rid of my hacking supercold cough. She has produced a whole vision board and I, under protest,

Beautiful Rooms: Inspiration for your own places and spaces

the william morris room from wow house at Chelsea Design Harbour summer 2022
Today's post is brought to you from the sick bed as I appear to have succumbed to the so-called supercold. Or perhaps it's just that I haven't had a cold for three years so have forgotten how wretched they are. Or perhaps it's because the bedroom is currently the nicest room in the house as

2023 Here We Go

ivory velvet curtains from curtains2go, sarkozi wallpaper from mindthegap, radiators from castrads and windows painted in temple from paint and paper library
Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to The Mad House. I ended up taking a rather longer break than scheduled but it

Snapshots from a Reno

wallpaper Sarkozi by Mind The Gap, Bedside lights Margaret Howell for Anglepoise in Sienna, pink paint Temple by Paint and Paper Library, ceiling in Leather II
I thought you might like to see some progress shots from the renovation so far. As I type we are waiting for the bedroom windows

Monday Musings

If there was space behind the sofa from which to write this that is where I would be. For here the madness starts. For two weeks. So I will drop in when I can to share updates with you and in the meantime I'm sharing pictures of the old house to remind myself that out

It’s all in the Detail

sample finishes from corston architectural
Last week I took a trip out of London to visit the HQ of Corston Architectural to give a talk on the importance of details and I thought I would share some of that detail (as it were) with you here as I realised, when writing my speech, that the scheme for this house was