
Mad About . . .

Holiday Postcards

wallpaper Sarkozi by Mind The Gap, Bedside lights Margaret Howell for Anglepoise in Sienna, pink paint Temple by Paint and Paper Library, ceiling in Leather II
Wallpaper Sarkozi by Mind The Gap, Bedside lights Margaret Howell for Anglepoise in Sienna, pink paint Temple by Paint and Paper Library, ceiling in Leather II As I sit here once again with builders in three different rooms and the kitchen crammed into the living room, it seems like a good moment to say that

Monday Inspiration: A visit to Stockholm

To Stockholm for 24 hours for the annual furniture fair, which has been going since 1951 and is one of the most popular trade shows, not least because it's a more manageable size than Milane Salone (which fills about five airport hangers) but also because it brings together the most comprehensive collection of Scandinavian and

The Househunter: six bedrooms on a private road

Now I know that we have discussed sharing affordable places and modern places and smaller places and all of the above but sometimes, just sometimes, those aren't the most interesting. I found a lovely little flat this week but there was just nothing much to say about it. It was, you know, affordable and fine.

Postcard from the Great Indoors Podcast

This week on the Great Indoors Podcast it's our monthly style surgery where we help you with your dilemmas. We tackle the debate between curtains and blinds but this time within a period property, how to creatively re-divide an open plan space and Sophie is in her element when we answer a question about colour!

Snapshots from a Reno IV

As predicted we had a weekend to enjoy the newly finished sitting room until we had to bring the kitchen into the back half of it.  The bedrooms are once again full of boxes and work continues apace. The upstairs bathroom is nearly finished and work can start downstairs. I had hoped to have more

Anatomy of a Beautiful Room

Well we had a weekend of the sitting room feeling lovely and done and spacious and now it's about to be filled with the kitchen as work starts at the back of the house. This week the upstairs bathroom will be finished so we can decommission the mould-filled shower room downstairs and start to plan

The Househunter: Georgian Splendour in Margate

We're off to Margate this week, the regency town that was first fashionable in the 18th century for Londoners looking for fresh sea air and which is now enjoying a resurgence as a haven for contemporary art and its creators. Before we get to this week's property though, I want to first tell you about

The Great Indoors podcast postcard

On today's episode of The Great Indoors podcast, we’re swapping builder horror stories! We all know how it feels to put so much trust into a tradesperson and get let down. Listen to the full episode here, as we share our own experiences -and yours- and discuss the best ways of selecting just the right

Snapshots from a Reno III

A fleeting visit this week as there hasn't been a huge amount of visible change. The sitting room is now finished but there's still a pile of boxes in the middle of the back of the room. This will be moved in the next week or so and replaced by the contents of the kitchen.

Beautiful Rooms to Inspire

kitchen design by charlotte boundy
Greetings from the building site. The sitting room is now finished and about to be filled with the kitchen which is the next room to be tackled once the upstairs bathroom is finished. It's exciting to see each room shrug off its grey coat and emerge from the dust, but oh, the dust. It's relentless.

The Reveal: Main Bedroom

The main bedroom is done. We have two complete bedrooms (see the first one here) and brush stroke by brush stroke the grey is being eradicated. For once again this room was a sea of grey when we moved in with a pale grey carpet and walls, broken shutters on the windows that blocked the

New Collections and Trends from Paris Deco Off 2023

Something a little different for you this Monday as I have just returned from a two day trip to Paris for Deco Off. This is the time of year when the fabric houses show off their new collections, alongside the furniture trade fair, Maison et Objet, which runs at the same time outside the City.

The Househunter: Low Beams in Milton Keynes

It's Fantasy Friday again and we're looking at the property market to see what we might buy or be inspired by this week. So far this year we have been to a palatial property in south London, a 60s terrace (complete with serving hatch and short curtains) and now we are heading to a low

Postcard from The Podcast

And we're back! The Great Indoors Podcast returns for the new year. On today’s show we share our dreams and aspirations for the year ahead. Clue: Sophie is planning world domination while I would simply like to get rid of my hacking supercold cough. She has produced a whole vision board and I, under protest,

Snapshots From A Reno Part II

I promised you Wednesday house updates and while I have some, I’m not sure, as I type that I will have many pictures to show you but let’s see where we get to. I have some rough and ready shots that I took before the light went - you'll get the idea. Firstly, some of

Beautiful Rooms To Inspire Your Own Places And Spaces

Hotel Bourg Tibourg
A trawl through my own camera roll this week as there are thousands of pictures on it that I have clearly taken because I loved what I was seeing and yet there they languish, for the most part unseen again until a phone reminder "on this day" pops up and I am reminded once again

The Househunter: A colourful three bedroom modern house

This week a fairly typical looking suburban house - from the outside at least - which might feel relatable to many of us. I was asked to look at houses that aren't on millionaire's row, or aren't tiny crofts. In short, places that might resemble the sorts of houses that many of us live in.

How to Add Character to a boxy bland room

I was going to call this post Welcome to a tour of the first completed room in the new house and then I realised that it was just as much, and perhaps more relevant, about adding character to a boring boxy room. This room, at the back of the house, is about 10ft square with

Beautiful Rooms: Inspiration for your own places and spaces

the william morris room from wow house at Chelsea Design Harbour summer 2022
Today's post is brought to you from the sick bed as I appear to have succumbed to the so-called supercold. Or perhaps it's just that I haven't had a cold for three years so have forgotten how wretched they are. Or perhaps it's because the bedroom is currently the nicest room in the house as

The Househunter: Palatial in Peckham

Back to the fantasy Friday househunting where, for those who are new, we ignore the price and look into the design and layout of a real house that is on the market to see what we can learn and how we might take inspiration for our own places and spaces. We're heading over to east