
search for: how to get the lighting right

Save or Splurge: Copper Ceiling Lights For All Budgets

copper ceiling lights
copper ceiling lights Copper is still very much the metal of the moment and, while I am often in raptures over its yellow cousin brass, I am fond of a bit of copper too. It looks great with all that charcoal grey paint after all. So, for this week's Boom/Bust I thought it was time

Choosing The Right Shade Of Grey Paint

It is the most fashionable paint colour of the moment and, if my blog analysis is to be believed, the most commonly researched shade on the colour wheel. But grey can be hard to get right and does need a bit of careful planning as our cool Northern light can make some grey tones too icy

Design Storey Shop is Open

Design Storey landing page for Sitting room. Peach graphic with neutral geometric patterned wallpaper and sand velvet sofa
And it's live. I am loosely calling it a shop but Design Storey is more of an all round platform with collections of the best of the high street, styling tips and links to blog posts helping you to make the most of your space. The Sitting Room in Design Storey Shop As I mentioned

Three Key Questions You Need To Answer Part II: The Bathroom

dark grey walls and twin basins bathroom by Paul Craig styled by Kate Watson-Smyth
Following on from the first archive post of the series about the three questions you need to ask before you embark on any decoration scheme, I thought you might like to take a new look at this post on how to apply those questions to a particular room - in this case the bathroom. I

Bathroom Pendant Lights

bathroom pendant light from jim lawrence Wouldn't these be just dreamy in the bathroom? Regular readers (or those who joined more than a few weeks ago) will remember I ran a series on How to Get the Lighting Right which focused on each room in the house. When it came to the bathroom the rules

The Househunter: Colour Drenching

Off to a grand Victorian house in south London this week which has taken full advantage of the large rooms and high ceilings to really make bold use of colour. But before you worry this isn't for you, the colour drenching used throughout this property works brilliantly in smaller rooms with lower ceilings so this

Bloom! My Floral Carpet launches at Decorex

kws for alternative flooring quirky bloom in polenta at decorex 2023
A couple of months ago I shared with you the news that I had designed a floral carpet with Alternative Flooring and, as it formally launches at Decorex this week, I'm excited to tell you that such was the amazing response from retailers that it has moved from being an online exclusive to one that

My Kitchen Reveal

Welcome to the new look blog and to celebrate a tour of my new kitchen. The blog hasn't changed much but it's just had a little refresh and looks a little cleaner. Also you can see more posts on the front page so it shouldn't be hard to find your way around and will, hopefully,

BOOK EXTRACT: Thoughts on Renting

Katherine Ormerod has made over her rented kitchen using vinyl, paint and new shelving.
As the 19yo tries to find a student flat to rent in north London for the next year of his degree, our thoughts have turned to that sector of housing and I thought I would share an extract from the book today.   Home: The Way We Live Now small home, work from home, rented home

Monday Inspiration: Beautiful Rooms

The newly renovated @plainenglishdesign showroom in New York shot by @garruppo
Well come on then own up? Who's spent the weekend cheating on instagram, twitter and blogs with the new app Threads? Me first? Yes, yes I have. And I have to say I rather like it. Having given up on the toxic cesspool that is Twitter some years ago (even this blog has somehow disconnected

Monday Inspiration: Beautiful Rooms

langdon court manor by donna ida image by nico wills
Welcome to a new week and a new set of rooms that have caught my eye and which I thought might inspire you for your own places and spaces. Now perhaps I was drawn to this as I have just made a curtain for my own kitchen to divide it from the hall - and

Beautiful Rooms for Inspiration

designed by Hannah Pemberton of Wandalust
Hello to you all and hoping the sun is shining with warmth wherever you are. Welcome another week in The Mad House mad about the house in italy We paid a lightning visit to the house in Italy last week to make a lighting plan. The house needs completely rewiring as it that hasn't been

The Househunter: A colourful two bedroom apartment

This two bedroom apartment in the heart of the City of London is, says Historic England, an "unusual example in Britain of the German Expressionist style" and was  Grade II listed in 1990. It is also a blend of Art Deco architecture and Moroccan style interiors. But before you panic that there's a lot going

New arrivals at Design Storey

It's been some time since I did a round-up of the latest additions at Design Storey. mainly due to my house drowning in dust, and my brain not being able to handle another design decision. But I've made it through the other side and have found an interesting mix of furniture, lighting, and accessories -

Come Shopping With Me

It's been a while since we had a shopping post and given that my house is full of dust and I don't really need any new furniture (plus the design decision fatigue is real) I thought a little virtual wander round the corridors of the internet to see what's about might be just the thing.

The Reveal: Main Bedroom

The main bedroom is done. We have two complete bedrooms (see the first one here) and brush stroke by brush stroke the grey is being eradicated. For once again this room was a sea of grey when we moved in with a pale grey carpet and walls, broken shutters on the windows that blocked the

Beautiful Rooms To Inspire Your Own Places And Spaces

Hotel Bourg Tibourg
A trawl through my own camera roll this week as there are thousands of pictures on it that I have clearly taken because I loved what I was seeing and yet there they languish, for the most part unseen again until a phone reminder "on this day" pops up and I am reminded once again

It’s all in the Detail

sample finishes from corston architectural
Last week I took a trip out of London to visit the HQ of Corston Architectural to give a talk on the importance of details and I thought I would share some of that detail (as it were) with you here as I realised, when writing my speech, that the scheme for this house was