
search for: 10 things

The Househunter: A Beautifully Restored Historic House

Good Day (can't say morning as it might not be when you are reading this) to you all. Firstly thank you so those who have signed up to join The Great Indoors Insiders Group, you should, by now, have seen all the details of a very exciting trip to Italy that we are hoping you

Join The Insiders Club

Something slightly different today which I meant to tell you about last week but in all the excitement for my book publication (link here if you want to know more about that) it fell off the edge. I know that many of you listen to the podcast The Great Indoors and I wanted to tell

The Househunter

How is it Friday already? This week totally ran away with me and I wanted to tell you first that my book is now OUT. I made a video telling you all about it which you can watch below if you fancy to find out where the inspiration came from and who it's for (spoiler:

Monday Inspiration: Before and After

Reporting from the dust front lines again and I am happy to report that with the demolition finally done we were pretty much dust-free for a couple of days. Then the plastering started which means wet, soggy floors that stick to the bottom of your shoes as it dries and as you walk it deposits

The Househunter: A Former Watch Shop

Off to south east London to this former watch repair shop which has been restored with a focus on sustainable and non-toxic materials to create three bedrooms, a large kitchen diner, sitting room and private garden. Now it can be tricky taking on a former shop with those big street-facing windows but this has been

Come Shopping With Me

It's been a while since we had a shopping post and given that my house is full of dust and I don't really need any new furniture (plus the design decision fatigue is real) I thought a little virtual wander round the corridors of the internet to see what's about might be just the thing.

The Househunter: A Four Bedroom Victorian Terrace

This week's property is perhaps nothing special on the outside- it's attractive - but there are some clever ideas inside and it's a classic four bedroom Victorian terrace family home. The sort of thing that will be familiar to many so it's always worth having a look around. It's on with Litchfields for £1,395,000 and

Buying a Used Kitchen

Pre-loved kitchen re-installed from Used Kitchen Exchange 2
Today I am going to tell you about my discovery of a brilliant site that allows you to buy and sell used kitchens which not only saves them from landfill but also means, if you are quick, that you can pick up designer kitchens - Plain English, Devol and, er mine (!) for a fraction

The Househunter: Four Bedroom Townhouse on Four Floors

One thing I have noticed, not least while trying to decide on the colour for my own kitchen, is how we do all get used to seeing the same colours and combinations again and again. So when I saw this house I was immediately drawn to its unusual pairings of blue and green and the

Monday Rooms: What colour to paint the kitchen

devol kitchen of considered things
I find myself in an unusual position this week. After four months of builders (on and off), three bedrooms completely transformed and two bathrooms designed we have reached the kitchen. This will lead through to the pantry, off which sits the shower room/downstairs loo. devol kitchen of considered things The floor for this whole space

Hidden Building Costs You Might Not Have Thought Of shot by mark anthony fox
I thought today it might be useful to give you a little round up of things I have learnt when it comes to making, what you might consider relatively small changes to your house. I’m not talking about the obvious loft conversions and full extensions as you will be aware that those are big ticket

Snapshots from a Reno IV

As predicted we had a weekend to enjoy the newly finished sitting room until we had to bring the kitchen into the back half of it.  The bedrooms are once again full of boxes and work continues apace. The upstairs bathroom is nearly finished and work can start downstairs. I had hoped to have more

The Househunter: Georgian Splendour in Margate

We're off to Margate this week, the regency town that was first fashionable in the 18th century for Londoners looking for fresh sea air and which is now enjoying a resurgence as a haven for contemporary art and its creators. Before we get to this week's property though, I want to first tell you about

The Househunter: Low Beams in Milton Keynes

It's Fantasy Friday again and we're looking at the property market to see what we might buy or be inspired by this week. So far this year we have been to a palatial property in south London, a 60s terrace (complete with serving hatch and short curtains) and now we are heading to a low

The Househunter: A colourful three bedroom modern house

This week a fairly typical looking suburban house - from the outside at least - which might feel relatable to many of us. I was asked to look at houses that aren't on millionaire's row, or aren't tiny crofts. In short, places that might resemble the sorts of houses that many of us live in.

Beautiful Rooms: Inspiration for your own places and spaces

the william morris room from wow house at Chelsea Design Harbour summer 2022
Today's post is brought to you from the sick bed as I appear to have succumbed to the so-called supercold. Or perhaps it's just that I haven't had a cold for three years so have forgotten how wretched they are. Or perhaps it's because the bedroom is currently the nicest room in the house as

2023 Here We Go

ivory velvet curtains from curtains2go, sarkozi wallpaper from mindthegap, radiators from castrads and windows painted in temple from paint and paper library
Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to The Mad House. I ended up taking a rather longer break than scheduled but it has been lovely to have a pause and some time for thinking. The builders are also back and work continues at a rate - one bedroom is complete, one is

Snapshots from a Reno

wallpaper Sarkozi by Mind The Gap, Bedside lights Margaret Howell for Anglepoise in Sienna, pink paint Temple by Paint and Paper Library, ceiling in Leather II
I thought you might like to see some progress shots from the renovation so far. As I type we are waiting for the bedroom windows to be replaced - what a week to schedule that as I gaze at snow outside. That will mean one bedroom is completely done and by early January two others

Monday Musings

If there was space behind the sofa from which to write this that is where I would be. For here the madness starts. For two weeks. So I will drop in when I can to share updates with you and in the meantime I'm sharing pictures of the old house to remind myself that out

Moodboard for a Bedroom

The builders are back! Today I had planned to show you the culmination of a project I have been working on for a year but for publicity reasons I'm not allowed to share until next week (hopefully) so I'm going to give you an idea of what we are doing in the bedroom. Oddly, although